Friday, October 16, 2015

Awake You Prophets

Yada The Lord

Hello fellow followers or curious ones. I wanted to chat about the move of the Lord happening in this time. I really think one of the most powerful flows of the prophetic is happening. The father is awakening Prophets and prophetic psalmist in this time to rebuild the altar of the Lord and diggers to dig the wells of revival. The Lord showed me wells in the Victor valley area. But we all know that wells can only be dug when there is a flow of water under the ground. There is a powerful flow of the prophetic coming from the river of heaven. We must be ready to dig and get in the flow, I love this saying JUDAH plows. Our praises plow the field for revival. So I just want to encourage anyone that wants to be apart of this flow to just jump in. You don't need a life jacket nor a wetsuit get ready to explore the deep parts of jesus heart for this nation and his heart for you. He is calling the true worshippers to come up higher and to dig deeper. Get ready for the Sunami of the flow.

Yours truly David


  1. I am both astounded and encouraged by the trumpeted word of the Lord. I look forward to the voice of God being honored and many of the church celebrating on the bridge between heaven and earth, simply put worship. Thanks David that was beautifully said
